Wednesday, July 8, 2020

How Does Ethical Dilemma Occur - Free Essay Example

According to Murray (2017), an ethical dilemma occurs when obligations, principles, rights, values, and beliefs are in conflict (p. 73). They arise when the only choices available are undesirable (Murray, 2017, p. 73). With outcomes of patient demise with either choice, physician assisted suicide (PAS) clearly meets the criteria of an ethical dilemma. History Euthanasia has a long history around the world as well as the United States. The first set of ethical standards that were established to guide the practice of medicine was in 400 BC at the School of Hippocrates. These ethical standards are found in what is known as the Hippocratic Oath. This oath, held by physicians, guides them to treat the patient to the best of their ability while maintaining the privacy of the patient and promising to teach younger generations the knowledge of medicine. In the 1900s, the right to death was a topic of discussion throughout Europe. In 1920, in Germany, home of the most scientifically advanced medical community in Europe, a booklet titled Permitting the Destruction of Unworthy Life was published (Vizcarrondo, 2017, p. 1). This booklet brought to light the ideation that it should be legal to kill people that were deemed unworthy of living. In Germany, after this booklet was published, physicians and nurses legally practiced the organized killing of human beings. PAS has now made its way to the United States (U.S.). As of 2017, five states have passed a statute governing PAS. In chronological order, they are: Oregon (1994), Washington (2008), Vermont (2013), California (2015), and Colorado (2016) (Sullivan, 2018, p. 50). There are 17 other states who are currently considering the passage of death with dignity laws. There are requirements for PAS laws. The requirements include that eligible patients must be 18 years of age or older and have a terminal illness, with a death prognosis of six months or less. In regards to the physician, they must have an active license in the state and must inform the patient of all possible options. The last requirement of the PAS laws deals with timing. There must be an Initial verbal request, followed by a 15-day waiting period. There must then be a second verbal request to the physician, followed by a written request. Finally, there must be a 48-hour waiting period before the patient can pick up the medications from a participating pharmacy (Sullivan, 2018, p. 50). These requirements are important to the PAS laws because they establish criteria for who may receive and who may administer this procedure. With such a highly debated ethical topic such as PAS, clear guidelines are necessary to help prevent misuse of this procedure. Ethical Principles In nursing there are eight ethical principles that nurses must practice including autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, fidelity, veracity, privacy, and confidentiality (Murray, 2017). So, how does a nurse juggle their ethical responsibilities and their own personal beliefs when it comes to PAS? The ethical principles which relate most to PAS are autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence. Each of these principles have specific factors which can lead to significant moral distress in nurses and can have weighing effects on the patients as well as the patients family and friends. Autonomy Autonomy is defined as self-governance, in that an individual is free to make choices about what can be done to his or her body (Murray, 2017, p. 65). This ethical principle is one which can be very challenging in the context of PAS. From a nursing standpoint the nurse should always advocate for their patient as far as what the patient wants and what is best for that patient. In situations such as this, the nurse may be experiencing significant moral distress related to his or her own beliefs regarding PAS. Furthermore, as a persons death approaches, dilemmas around quality of life and wanting to proactively end life can be complicated and distressing for all concerned (Costello, 2014, p. 55). Therefore you cannot just look at the nurses feelings of the situation, you must also consider the patient as well as their friends and family. The patient may want to end their life, but they also may want to be there to comfort their friends and family throughout the end of their life. On the other hand, the patients family and friends may wish for the patients suffering to end but are not prepared or ready for their loved one to die. In reality, the patient should have full autonomy over choices regarding their care; however, in most states in the U.S. it is illegal to provide PAS. This means that patients typically do not have this option whether it is within their wishes for end-of-life care or not, which ultimately limits their autonomy. Beneficence Beneficence is a core principle of patient advocacy and refers to any action intended to benefit another (Murray, 2017, p. 66). When referring to beneficence arguments can be made regarding PAS as to whether or not it supports this ethical principle. According to Kiger (2015), if the patient has no hope of recovery and might spend further weeks or months in discomfort, living a life devoid of value, ending that life would be an act of kindness, which would essentially an act of beneficence (p. 4). Another point of view would be that if the patient wishes to participate in PAS, but they have a chance of recovery or their condition is not one with debilitating factors that may significantly decrease their quality of life, then providing PAS would defy the ethical principle of beneficence. Nonmaleficence Nonmaleficence is the moral obligation to do no harm or injury to another person (Murray, 2017, p. 66). If a patient is constantly in significant pain, has a remarkably decreased quality of life, and has no hope of recovery then ending that life would prevent needless pain and suffering (Kiger, 2015, p. 4). In other words, it would be an act of nonmaleficence and would be considered ethical. From another perspective, the patient may have a chance of recovery with the hope of decreasing their pain and increasing their quality of life. In this scenario it would be considered a breach of nonmaleficence to allow or advocate for PAS. In doing so the nurse is advocating for the patient to die without good reason; therefore, causing harm to the patient. Ethical Platform When a nurse decides whether or not to take an ethical stand for or against PAS many are set in their beliefs and firm in where they stand. Through this study, the platform reached was divided evenly down the middle, which is reflected in the research and in surveys reviewed. Each opinion was formed and framed based on individual experiences and beliefs. When faced with an ethical dilemma such as PAS, each nurse should reflect upon their own beliefs and know where they stand morally and ethically. There is no specific right or wrong, and nurses may differ in their opinion with each situation they encounter. The American Nursing Association (ANA) Code of Ethics was developed more than 65 years ago, with many provisions being made over time, yet the principles remain the same. Ethical code 1.4 Right to Self-Determination is described as, Nurses should provide interventions to relieve pain and other symptoms in the dying patient consistent with palliative care practice standards and may not act with the sole intent to end life (Code of Ethics, 2015, p. 3). Respecting patient autonomy is to respect a patients right to self-determination (Murray, 2017). Patients can make choices to what extent of care or life sustaining treatment they want to receive, and as previously stated there are states in which a patient with a terminal illness can decide to end their life. PAS is illegal in the majority of our country, and the ANA states that, nurses are strictly prohibited from participating in PAS (Pedersen Tariman, 2017, p. 25). Where is the line drawn in deciding how far a nurse can go to respec t a patients autonomy? Concerning beneficence and adhering to the duty to do good nurses must uphold and constantly advocate for a patients needs and wishes (Murray, 2017, p. 65). Nurses working in areas such as hospice, critical care, or oncology are often faced with patients who are suffering from unrelieved pain, and many request help with ending their suffering. This leaves nurses in an ethical predicament; does one allow their patient with stage four terminal esophageal cancer who has requested death with dignity to suffer from pain and starvation or does the nurse empower the patient by advocating for their request. To determine a nursing standpoint on such dilemmas, 539 nurses in Nevada were given an end-of-life survey. Out of those nurses surveyed, 53% expressed support of PAS, including death with dignity (Pedersen Tariman, 2017, p. 35). The ANA stands against PAS, yet the nurse may administer pain medication that may potentially hasten the patients death based on the principle of double effect, which is defined as the justification of claims that a single act having two unforeseen effects, one good and one harmful, such as death, is not always morally prohibited if the harmful effect is not intended (Pedersen Tariman, 2017, p. 26). This seemingly contradicts the ethical principle of nonmaleficence. Even though a harmful effect was not intended, how can the principle of double effect be ethically justified? Yet, nurses who participate in PAS can still face criticism. In San Francisco, out of 24 different health care facilities serving AIDS patients, 54% supported PAS for its ability to relieve suffering (Pedersen Tariman, 2017, p. 35). While many nurses are supportive of PAS for their strong beliefs in patients dignity and autonomy those who are unsupportive cite that personal ethics, religion, and the potential fo r abuse of PAS defines their moral disapproval of PAS (Pedersen Tariman, 2017, p. 36). Conclusion When questions of moral rightness or wrongness underlie a nurses decision making and care of patients in a beneficent manner, ethical issues will arise (Stanhope Lancaster, 2017, p. 51). These ethical issues grow into dilemmas when there are justifiable reasons for either option (Stanhope Lancaster, 2017, p. 51). It is clear that there are arguments for and against PAS, with each side justifiable by basic principles of ethics. While at this time the ANA Code of Ethics prevents nurses from participating in PAS, there may come a time when nurses will have to choose for themselves. It is key that each nurse examines their own personal beliefs and feelings prior to facing such a decision. If necessary, they need to be prepared to step aside and let another nurse provide care during PAS if they cannot resolve doing so with their own beliefs.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Examining McDonalds as an Employer and Organizer - Free Essay Example

Human Resource Management (HRM) function comprises a multiplicity of activities, and key surrounded by them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use self-governing contractors or hire employees to meet these needs, employment and training to most excellent employees, ensuring they are high entertainer, dealing with performance issues, and that their staff and management practices do the accepted thing to various regulations. The behavior also includes the management of its loom to employee reimbursement and reward, employee records and employees policies. In general, small businesses (for profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these actions themselves for the reason that they cannot yet afford part-or full-time help. Nevertheless, they should forever and days guarantee that employees have and are aware of personnel guiding principle which is conventional to current set of laws. These policies are often in the form of worker manuals, which all employees. One of the most important things is that some people distinguish the difference between human resource management (a chief management motion) and HRD (Human Resource Development, a line of work). Those people might comprise HRM in HRD, explaining that human resources includes the widest range of personal development activities within organizations, for example, specialized expansion, training, organization development, etc. There is a long-standing disagreement about where HR and related occupation should be prearranged into large organizations. Responsibility for human resource management and professional growth of resources has been a wonderful change in the last 21-30 years. Numerous years ago, huge organizations looked to the Personnel subd ivision, in particular to manage the certification of people contracting and payment. More recently, organizations consider the Human Resources, as harmonic a major role in recruitment, training and support to people management for people and the organization is working at full capacity in a very acceptable. FACTS AND FIGURE: McDonalds restaurants are establishing in 118 countries and territories approximately the world and serve nearly 48 million customers every day. McDonalds function over 32,000 restaurants international, employing more than 1.5 million people. Most standalone McDonalds restaurants offer both counter service and drive-through service, with indoor and now and then outside seating. More than 76% of McDonalds restaurants all-inclusive are owned and operated by autonomous local Men and Women. HRM KEY FUNCTION Getting the most excellent Employees human resource planning identifying job roles hiring Outsourcing short listing Applicants Selecting (Hiring) Employees Paying Employees (and Providing Benefits) Benefits and Compensation guidance Employees Career Development approach Employee Orientation method Leadership Development approach Management Development approach Personal improvement excellence Training and Development ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS ACHIEVEMENT THROUGH EFFECTIVE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT In recent times, the phrase aptitude management is used to pass on to efforts to draw, develop and retain human resources. Some populace and organizations use the expression to refer particularly talented and or high-potential workers. The phrase often used interchangeably with the field of human resource management still though the field of aptitude management matures, it is very likely that an increasing number of people who strongly disagree on the exchange of these fields. For now, the documentation uses the phrases interchangeably. MCDONALD`S IMAGE AS AN EMPLOYER: As an employer the local reputation and its overall image is transformed by many reasons, which includes reimbursement programs, payment package, pleasurable working place attached with copious passion activities, employee expansion programs, World well-known most excellent people practices. Human resources, the key component that plays a vital role in training every day of the performance of services in general, through their behavior in the presentation. Become aware of the power company people provides the knowledge. EMPLOYEES ABILITY vs. EFFECTIVE HRM: McDonalds requires people who want to excel in providing exceptional service. To ensure that the company hires the right people, you have identified the essential skills and behaviors that applicants must be able to demonstrate. For each position there is a typical description of work, detailing the rights and responsibilities, and specification of the definition of personal skills and competencies HRM MODEL NO-1 Personnel planning and recruitment Job Developed Final interview Pool of candidate External recruitment Internal recruitment Make an Offer Candidate application from Initial Interview Selection Tool RECRUITMENT IN MCDONALDS: The reputation of any business ultimately depends on the quality of their products. High quality products require high quality people to create design produce deliver them So if a business is to maintain its reputation to do well in recruiting high quality employees. For any company that offers a large element of personal service, ability to recruit, train and retain high quality staff is particularly vital. MODEL 2 Employees have the opportunity to advance the skill level of contribution and career through a quality education, training and feedback in this organization. RECURITING RETENTION PERFORMANCE WORK ENVIRONMENT ACCORDING TO THE HR MANAGER OF MCDONALD:- In UK, McDonalds, the Human resource is the most important asset. They offer the best experience for the employees working for McDonalds UK to achieve our goal to provide the companys valued customers with the best experience in a restaurant in the world, quick service. They struggle to employ the best, hire the best, and provide the best place to work. EMPLOYEES DIVISION IN MCDONALD`S EMPLOYEES G A OPERATIONAL According to the recruitment policy of all McDonalds employees are classified on the basis of operating and general and administration staff. This major division of employees is 95% of manual workers and only 5% and General Administration (G A). 3 HR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT METHODS PLANNING AND FORECASTING The recruitment and selection process begins with the use or personnel planning. This is the process of deciding which companys positions will be filled, and how to complete. If we talk about the management of McDonalds and McDonalds is based on forecasts of basic employment plans. And there is couple of things that were taken into account at the same time as the provision of personal needs, the supply of inside candidates, and the supply of external candidates. However the need of the staff is their top priority. FORECASTING PERSONNEL NEEDS: This is the forecast of the staffing needs of McDonalds, the manager must consider several factors when considering staff forecasting needs. First of all income forecast manager, and then to estimate the size of staff necessary to achieve the sales volume. Other factors such as the resignation or dismissal, a decision to raise or lower grade, technological changes and the department of financial resources also taken into account in forecasting. In any case McDonalds use several simple tools to project staffing needs in the following way. TREND ANALYSIS: Trend analysis by studying firms in a previous job requirements during a period of years to predict future needs. If we talk about McDonalds will also do trend analysis, this technique will take the data from previous employment needs and then the new employment plan for hiring based on past experience. FORECAST PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS THROUGH COMPUTERS: In this type of software used in forecasting McDonalds determining future staffing needs of the sales projection, the volume of production and employees needed to maintain this volume of production. FORECASTING THE SUPPLY OF INSIDE CANDIDATES: McDonalds will hire the employees within the organization. The main task of McDonalds is the determination that current employees may be qualified for the opening of the project. As if McDonald opens a new branch then check the current branch manager that he is able to control the function or the new branch, if the current is to use the fulfillment of the requirements, the rental management of this manager if it fails, and then the management of going to outsourcing. There are other methods for forecasting the supply of inside candidates. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PERSONNEL REPLACEMENT CHARTS: In this sense, the organization use this graphic in which the most important positions of candidates on the inside is shown by his current performance and then promote however the performance is critically evaluated and then further training and development programs are carried out by the organization for their employees. POSITIONS REPLACEMENT CARDS: In this sense, the organization will prepare a replacement card position for each position to show possible replacement candidates and not qualifying. FORECASTING THE SUPPLY OF OUTSIDE THE ORGANIZATION To acquire the potential candidates in the specific occupation, such as crew members, branch manager, employees of McDonalds expects supply from outside the organization. Above all this is done via the Internet. Review of HRs Indication and Monitoring Internal recruitment means to hire a current employee for the job. Also known as current or promotion from within Sharpness: Policy that gives preference to existing employees to make an offer of employment. internal contracts have several advantages as Increased confidence for human resources The organization is perceived as a reward for good performance or loyalty. Often, a promotion leads to another vacancy and the chain effect further contributes to higher morale. Employees work habits are known Employees work behavior is known and previous performance evaluations on record. Familiar with the firm Employees are familiar with the companys products, customers, organizational policies and corporate culture. Eliminating orientation sessions As an employee one must know about the company, product policies etc. for orientation is not necessary and to have some advantages there are some disadvantages of internal recruitment any, are as follows If companyÂÂ  policies mandate internal recruitment then the human resources promoted from surrounded by may not have all the capability required for the job. In such cases, employees will be trained for service. This can be costly. It turn out to be even more expensive if the chain of effects of succeeding internal promotions requires a series of training sessions to put into practice. Another unintended negative consequence of internal recruitment could be the policy of the organization. This can occur when more than one employee aims to job vacancy. Those who do not get the endorsement will be dissatisfied and may not be willing to grant the new job holders authority to do the job ÂÂ  McDonalds mostly go for internal recruitment because there is a specific way of working at MacDonalds. Which they train there employee during their training process. Another reason McDonalds go for internal recruitment is this that .McDonalds offers great opportunities to the individuals who decide to join their team. They provide Excellent career paths widespread training individual development possibilities striking reward structures All wrapped up in an international, multicultural, dynamic and fun. This is reflected in the fantastic team spirit that runs across the enterprise. McDonalds does not value staff and believe in giving people the opportunity to develop their full potential. That is why McDonalds is the ideal place to work. SOURCES OF RECRUITING INTERNAL CANDIDATES McDonalds use two sources for recruiting internal candidates Job posting Succession planning JOB REDISTRIBUTION: One of the most common forms to fill open positions within a company is the use of internal labor ads. McDonalds bid to go to work for many of the open position. When any vacancy in McDonalds, the management department of human resources positions McDonalds job offer in the notice board with a full specification of work, wages, hours of operation and a necessary skill for this position . The manager of a McDonalds to meet the needs of the people. Two types of people are recruited at McDonalds are staff members management members The human resource department in fortress stadium coordinate the recruitment of employees as well as for recruiting permanent and temporary employees the human resource department of McDonalds use several ways. Positions are generally advertised in the restaurant EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT INTRODUCTION: Companies cannot get all the employees that need your current staff, and sometimes they just do not want. As a result, companies prefer to go for outsourcing. If no vacancies have been filled through an internal process or where it is known a right right candidate is not available internally, recruiters in consultation with the Human Resources Division (HRD) will decide whether outsourcing is the best option to fill a vacancy. Outsourcing has often been seen as a necessary evil, as operations outside the need for talent outside the incentives of workers inside. The campaign outsourcing and a corresponding increase in the popularity of the organization in the labor market, helping to improve the position for further expansion. Moreover, outsourcing is expensive and takes a lot of energy to the role of human resource management to handle all the candidates in the selection process. ADVANTAGES: The following are some advantages of recruiting externally: A larger variety of people will apply for the job. The person could bring new skills and ideas into the business. DISADVANTAGES: The following are some disadvantages of recruiting externally: Hundreds of applications may be received. In this case, short listing will be time consuming. Money will have to pay in order to advertise the job. Recruiting externally is a risk. This is because in most cases, a business will not particularly know the candidates.In case of McDonalds it is not actual abundant complex in alien application for the operational akin advisers about for accepted and authoritative advisers McDonalds adopt alien recruitment. Alien application plays a actual important role. This is because alive at McDonalds is not belted to restaurants alone. They accept a actual able abutment system. Already they accept provided application opportunities to accountants, computer operators, absolute acreage representatives, architects and abounding others in the areas of marketing, animal assets etc. The External Recruitment allows the organization to ascertain the appropriate requirements The alignment can baddest the candidate, which apparel the alignment best. brings new bodies to the organization, which can be a huge account for the organization External application in McDonalds is a continued and difficult process. It managers in demography the antecedent job and claimed specification, discussing the best amount options for announcement the role, through to ambidextrous with the acknowledgment and presenting acceptable candidates to your business. The advisers of McDonalds appear from all walks of life. However while recruiting McDonalds amount bodies with a absolute attitude appear customers, themselves and added advisers and who accept aerial standards of claimed performance. HR administration can use assorted approaches to locate and allure alien candidates, generally attractive to added again one source. Government appliance agencies, clandestine appliance agencies, recruiting consultants, arch hunters, educational institutions and able alignment are accepted sources, as are advertisements, agent referrals and unsolicited application. Recruiting candidates from all the added sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are accepted as the alien sources of recruitment. McDonalds use some of these approaches to allure the alien candidates. Through altered alien sources they are attending for candidates who reflect a able focus on chump and applicant service. ADVERTISEMENT: Although online recruiting is alteration the way the HR managers access of recruiting. Advertisement through bounded and civic newspapers, magazines, billboards is still acclimated by abounding organizations. The best of announcement media depends on the job for which application is actuality done. To be effective, advertisers use a adviser AIDA to assemble ads. An application advertisement charge accept attention avaricious headlines Must be able to actualize the absorption of the reader. Create the admiration by highlighting absorption factors The ad should be able to alert action Advertisement charge specifies the claimed qualities, academic abilities and knowledge, abilities and abilities all-important for success. Moreover the advertisement charge enhances the angel of the alignment as an acceptable a Under McDonalds recruitment policy, each individual restaurant is responsible for filling job vacancy. The human resource department in fortress stadium coor dinate the recruitment of employees. For recruiting permanent and temporary employees the human resource department of McDonalds use several ways. Positions are generally advertised in the restaurant Sequence in PLANNING: McDonalds in the succession of senior executives of Planning periodically review their top executives. This is important because it often takes years of preparation for the effective conduct of senior officers. McDonalds do so because there is a critical shortage of business leaders from middle and top for the next five years. So organizations have to create groups of candidates with high leadership potential. McDonalds careful and considered plan of action ensures the least disruption to the responsibilities of the person and therefore the effectiveness of the organization. Ways of improvement in Human Resource Management to achieve Organizational Goals Occupation preparation, guidance and development education and expansion specialists plan, organize and direct a wide range of training activities.VIP Task Manager is a powerful tool for specialist training and development, as it enables them to meet long-term planning and short term career, scheduling training and development provisions. Personnel assessment VIP Task Manager is easy to use, easy to use software to plan, report and track tasks and time into working groups. VIP Task Manager provides human resource managers with the ability to analyze the productivity of each employee, HR projects management human resources project is a set of fixes and improvements can be planned and consistently implemented within the company to increase productivity and motivation of staff or to improve the internal processes of the human resources department. VIP Task Manager is a tool for project management in real time and can be successfully used for project planning, human resources, progress monitoring and analysis. DEVISED STRATEGY: Compensation and account bales will abutment the Laboratorys efforts to recruit and absorb a awful assuming and assorted assignment force. The HR and Organizational Management Division will accommodate a aerial akin of account to its barter by authoritative use of accessible knowledge, skills, and technology and through contiguous alternation with those customers. All associates of the HR and Organizational Management Division are assembly for our advisers and ample an advancement role, back appropriate. In bushing this advancement role, HR and Organizational Management Division agents will be alert of the charge to antithesis agent rights adjoin the accepted business needs of the organization.