Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Left hand of darkness essays

Left hand of darkness essays I think that the book The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula Le Guin, should be a book that everyone at ETHS should read. This book is a classic science fiction book with many added advantages. The book is about a man who is trying to peacefully convince a new world of people to join in a trade agreement with his home word as well as many others. The book promotes peace and peaceful discussions over war, which has no place in the book at all. It also forces the reader to look at sex in a different way. The inhabitants of this planet do not have a gender most of the time, which makes open thinking a necessity. Science fiction books can be wonderfully exciting and fun to read, but many kids in our school today do not know that. Many students are simply not exposed to science fiction, and think that science fiction is only for science people and dorks. This is obviously not true, but how would they know? They have never read any science fiction in school, and if they do not read it on their own, they may never read science fiction. This would be a tragedy, for there are so many books that are so engrossing that they could really bring out the reader in students. For example, Dune, by Frank Herbert, is an outstanding piece of literature, but unless you read science fiction, you probably have never heard of it. The Left Hand of Darkness does not have the same draw as Dune, but it comes close. When Genly, the main character, and Estraven, his friend, are crossing the great ice, as proposed on page 201, it is slightly reminiscent of the sand crossing in Dune. However, Dune dos not have the sam e use of local folklore in the same way. Interspersed in the book The Left Hand of Darkness, there are chapters which are simply stories that help the plot along. One example is chapter 12 on page 162. This chapter is about Meshe who has been to the center of time and therefore knows everything that has, is and will happe ...

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