Sunday, December 22, 2019

Leadership and Organizational Culture Essay - 1310 Words

LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE In this paper I will discuss the effects and responsibilities leaders have on an organizational culture. I believe leaders have an enormous effect on the well-being of an organizational culture. Leaders must take an active role within their organizations culture. Whether positive or negative, in an organization, things tend to follow suit down hill. A leader has the power and influence to maintain, create, or repair an organizational culture. However, this can prove to be a delicate and challenging task. When trying to maintain a healthy organizational culture the leader has many factors that he/she must balance. Maintaining a healthy organizational culture may be viewed as an entire strategic†¦show more content†¦4) These factors that shape an organization culture often seem to evolve naturally among subordinates in an organization. It is vital that the leader know how to manage these factors effectively to ensure a healthy organizational culture. Perspectives on Relationships between Leadership and Organizational Culture Upon researching I found a three perspective model showing the relationship between leaders and organizational culture. The first is the functionalism perspective. The functionalism perspective basically entails that a strong culture depends on a strong leader or a strong leader can develop a strong culture. Leaders have choices and can influence the firm through their actions or decisions. (Zhang, Tsui, Wang, Xin, n.d., p.5) With the functionalism perspective it is believed that the leaders, who are in the head positions, have all the power in molding and changing an organization. There are numerous factors and the leader must know how to manage them. The second perspective is the attribution perspective. With the attribution perspective theorists argue that the role of leadership is in the mind of the followers, who attribute a person the ability to lead and consider him/her to be theShow MoreRelatedLeadership And Culture Of The Field Of Organizational Leadership1058 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership and Culture Ethical Leadership According to research theories in the field of organizational leadership, â€Å"powerful leaders can have substantial impact on the lives of followers and the fate of an organization† (Yukl, 2006, p.340). Nevertheless, Heifetz (1994) points out, â€Å"there is no ethically neutral ground for theories of leadership, because they always involve values and implicit assumptions about proper forms of influence. The complexity of issues surrounding ethical and unethicalRead MoreLeadership Theory And Organizational Culture1361 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The role of leadership has evolved over the years. 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