Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Unwanted Pregnancy Its Silent Impact On The Transgender...

Unwanted Pregnancy: Its Silent Impact on the Transgender Community Introduction Due to the frequency of recent LGBTQ+ appearances in popular culture, nearly everyone has become familiar with the term ‘gender dysphoria’. However, not everybody is familiar with what it means and what the impact is on individuals of all genders. How does unwanted pregnancy impact transgender, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming individuals negatively? Unwanted pregnancy may be a life-threatening situation for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. What does it mean to be transgender, genderqueer, or gender non-conforming? First, one must understand what the definition of gender is and how it differs from sex. Sex is the biological characteristics one was born with, while gender refers to cultural or emotional characteristics that one presents as (GLAAD). Gender non-conforming, or ‘GNC’, refers to genders which do not fall into the gender binary of male or female, or ‘cisgender’. These terms may include transgender men or transgender women, but also agender, androgynes, bigender, pangender, third gender, genderfluid, and also cultural terms for different genders, such as ‘two-spirit’ or ‘hijra’. On the other hand, transgender usually refers to one whose gender is opposite to the sex that they were born. Transgender individuals may choose to refer to themselves as GNC, but people usually differentiate between the two (Roxie). When anyone becomes pregnant, they have two choices: toShow MoreRelated`` I Do But I Can t 3015 Words   |  13 Pagesraces as early as the 1600’s. The U.S. created anti-miscegenation laws in many states that served to restrict marriages based solely on race. In the U.S couples that married in spite of the age of anti-miscegenation were arrested once it became community knowledge they were married. A very famous case that comes to mind is Virginia vs. Loving, where â€Å"In the middle of the night, in 1958, in the bedroom of their Virginia home, newlyweds Richard and Mildred Loving, a European-American man and anRead MoreThe Sociology of Women: A Study4847 Words   |  19 PagesTouch Me, Touch Me Not - Gender, Caste, and the Indian Womens Movement 19 Night to His Day: The Social Construction of Gender 20 Saudi Rape Case Spurs Calls for Reform 21 13 Myths and Misconceptions about Trans Women Trans woman is a transgender person with a female gender identity. Several myths and misconceptions are associated with Trans women. It is commonly believed that penis is cut off but this is a false perception. Inversion method is used to convert penis to female genital organs

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