Saturday, February 29, 2020

Amy Chua

Amy Chua, from the very beginning dives into her thesis, which she argues from the introduction continued all through part one of â€Å" Day of Empire† and without a doubt, throughout the entire book. Chua’s clear, distinctive thesis can be condensed into two main points. To begin with, she explains how for every society that has been allowed to be called a hyperpower have been – at the time, considered to be â€Å"tolerant†. In every instance to achieve supremacy, every hyperpower had to enclose a certain quantity of tolerance, the extent of freedom that an individual has to prosper in all aspects of their life, ranging from religious, cultural, linguistic, to conversing with people of different upbringings. Tolerance is suggested as the prerequisite for global domination. However, conversely she also indicates that intolerance has been shown as the reason for the downfall of a hyperpower or a result of the demise. The second concept she introduces in her thesis is the idea of a great nation to become a hyperpower, they must have â€Å"glue† that binds, and embraces them together. Critics argue that modern America is in the first stages of losing its identity, with nonchalant laws of immigration, granting just about every immigrant into the states. Chua acknowledges to some degree that, hyperpowers that have fallen as a causality of lost identity, however this reverts back to her first notion. When the population succumbs to disjunction, it’s most likely the repercussion of intolerance within the nation. In the case on point, America’s â€Å"glue† problem lies outside of its borders. America is seen across the world as an icon, however it does nothing to enforce its image or bring together the other nations that follow in its footsteps. Amy Chua’s thesis from the get-go helps to depict the tone, and attitude of the rest of this novel.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Professional Goal and Action Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Professional Goal and Action Plan - Essay Example For me, being successful in public relations will serve a lifelong purpose as it will help me create an environment that significantly values the importance of interpersonal relations. It is not only for me but for the society. I want to create a difference in the society, and this is the primary reason why I want to become successful in that field. I want to reiterate the value of interpersonal relations in the success of any person, business or culture. Since humans are natural social beings, the field of public relations is important as it helps in creating the environment, values and morals of the society (Reddi, 2009). It gives a hand in shaping people’s perspectives and reveal the truth and facts behind things in a manner that laymen can easily understand. The first thing that I need to do is specify my goals. In this section, I need to create a specific objective statement which corresponds to the smart action plan. The smart goal contains a statement which is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Without these important aspects, I wouldn’t be able to create an action plan that is relevant to my goal. ... The primary function of a public relations practitioner is to advise the management of the impact of its policies to the public and to relay the impact of business moves and policies to the public (Johnston,, 2009; Narula, 2006). Breaking this down, a public relations publicist are: â€Å"to advise management on policy and its effect on public relations, to channel and coordinate within an organization the activities that affect public relations, to provide the mechanics for explaining an organization and its policies to its various publics through communication media and to ascertain and explain to management what various publics think about the organization† (Johnston,, 2009). In this regard, I believe that the role of a public relations practitioner is to guide not only the public of what is happening within the business by relating the policies to the masses’ experience but also to inform the business industry of the impact of their policies to the pub lic (Botha,, 2007). This is an important ground in creating policies and defining changes and development within the business in order to be better and to be able to gain the trust and confidence of the public. The different areas of public relations are the following: communication, publicity, promotions, press agentry, integrated marketing, issues management, crisis management, press secretary or public information agent, public affairs or lobbyist, financial relations, communication relations, internal relations, industry relations, minority relations, media relations, public diplomacy, event management, sponsorship, cause relationship marketing and fundraising (Johnston,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Exotic animals as pets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exotic animals as pets - Essay Example Therefore, the issue needs to be demystified once and for all by understanding why the people who keep exotic animals as pets do so. I make out that this subject is fascinating and requires more research, because, there are a considerable number of people who spend their lives with long snakes, big cats, apes, non-human primates, bears, wolves, fish and other dangerous wild animals. These people keep these animals with them as companions, and mostly train them to become accustomed to staying with them. Many people may not understand this. On the other hand, there are people who are totally against the keeping of such exotic animals as pets, citing various dangers such as health concerns, cost issues, safety concerns and ethical concerns among others. They claim that exotic animals are not good pets because everything that they require is special, ranging from maintenance, diet, housing and attention. For this reason, there is a lot to learn concerning the rearing of exotic animals as pets. I have to understand the minds of those who keep exotic animals as pets and know how they manage to do it, or if they fail. I will clearly have to do a lot of research to understand the history of this problem, the history behind rearing exotic animals as pets, and the mindsets of those who rear exotic animals as pets, as well as those who are against the idea. I am researching this issue because, as a veterinary practitioner, I am likely to encounter many cases of clients bringing in exotic animals as pets to be treated and cared for. I am of the strong opinion that the issue should not be ignored, because, more and more people are embracing and keeping exotic animals as pets. People should, therefore, address the issue and know how to handle situations that may come up when rearing exotic animals as pets. The author of this book target veterinary technicians and keepers of exotic pets. The exotic animals that are most likely to be reared and