Saturday, February 29, 2020

Amy Chua

Amy Chua, from the very beginning dives into her thesis, which she argues from the introduction continued all through part one of â€Å" Day of Empire† and without a doubt, throughout the entire book. Chua’s clear, distinctive thesis can be condensed into two main points. To begin with, she explains how for every society that has been allowed to be called a hyperpower have been – at the time, considered to be â€Å"tolerant†. In every instance to achieve supremacy, every hyperpower had to enclose a certain quantity of tolerance, the extent of freedom that an individual has to prosper in all aspects of their life, ranging from religious, cultural, linguistic, to conversing with people of different upbringings. Tolerance is suggested as the prerequisite for global domination. However, conversely she also indicates that intolerance has been shown as the reason for the downfall of a hyperpower or a result of the demise. The second concept she introduces in her thesis is the idea of a great nation to become a hyperpower, they must have â€Å"glue† that binds, and embraces them together. Critics argue that modern America is in the first stages of losing its identity, with nonchalant laws of immigration, granting just about every immigrant into the states. Chua acknowledges to some degree that, hyperpowers that have fallen as a causality of lost identity, however this reverts back to her first notion. When the population succumbs to disjunction, it’s most likely the repercussion of intolerance within the nation. In the case on point, America’s â€Å"glue† problem lies outside of its borders. America is seen across the world as an icon, however it does nothing to enforce its image or bring together the other nations that follow in its footsteps. Amy Chua’s thesis from the get-go helps to depict the tone, and attitude of the rest of this novel.

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