Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Parenthood Should No Longer Be Funded By The Federal...

Millions of taxpayer dollars are going to fund Planned Parenthood. Along with the Obamacare introduction, Planned Parenthood has become a secondary cost to make sure women have health care throughout the United States. Along with the wasted money being spent, Planned Parenthood has other issues. The high cost of administration and the sale of fetus tissue and organs have become the latest in an agency out of control. Because of the wasteful administration of funds and ethical questions about disposing of fetuses, Planned Parenthood should no longer be funded by the Federal government. The tax paying citizens of the United States should know the cost and wasteful spending habits Planned Parenthood is conducted within the agency. Once the citizens become aware of the wasteful spending of millions of dollars, they will be able to take a stance against this agency’s policy. With the knowledge acquired, the citizens will be able to make a fully informed decision when asking their congressman to vote against funding of Planned Parenthood. American Birth Control League’s name changed to Planned Parenthood, which enabled the organization to encompass a new image and justify funding from the government and wealthy donors (Perry 1). The agency has influenced the birth control of the poor and the upper-class citizens of society. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, viewed poverty, illness, and strife caused by the fate of being in a large family. She saw small familiesShow MoreRelatedParenthood Should No Longer Be Funded By The Federal Government 1829 Words   |  8 PagesMillions of taxpayer dollars are going to fund Planned Parenthood. With the introduction of Obamacare, Planned Parenthood has become a secondary cost to ensure women have health care throughout the United States. Along with the wasted money being spent on Planned Parenthood, other issues have been revealed about Planned Parenthood. The high cost of administration and the sale of fetus tissue and organs have become the latest in an agency out of control. Because of the wasteful administration of fundsRead MoreTexas : A Long History Of Conflict With The Federal Government1524 Words   |  7 Pagesconflict with the federal government over laws and policies, particularly when dealing with environmental, social, and educational issues. Texas has conservative right-wing views and has been in conflict more often with the federal government since President Obama has been in office. The dilemma generally arises from a clash in opposing political and social views. One major issue that has arisen in over the course of the last two years has been a battle over funding for Planned Parenthood. Although theRead MorePlanned Parenthood - Argumentative Essay1253 Words   |  6 PagesArgumentative Essay Planned Parenthood Millions of women across America will struggle to receive the medical attention they need if the federal government stops funding to Planned Parenthood. Every year 363 million dollars goes into the funding â€Å"pot† collectively at Planned Parenthood’s nationwide (Clark 5). This money is used predominantly by women; for six in ten women, Planned Parenthood acts as their main source of health care (Clark 4). Many individuals with low incomes depend on these clinicsRead MorePlanned Parenthood : Parenthood, Family Planning, And Reproductive Problems1020 Words   |  5 PagesAs you may have heard, Planned Parenthood is what the government officials are talking about recently. The Republicans want to take away the government funding for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is an organization that does scientific research and offers advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. Currently, the government funds the organization with the tax payerâ⠂¬â„¢s dollars. (Planned Parenthood at a Glance, 2014.) I am going to explain the history of the problem,Read MoreParenthood : The Target Population May Be Planned Parenthood Essay1638 Words   |  7 Pagespopulation may be Planned Parenthood (PP) as an entity, but the policy will affect the clients that depend on PP for services. If House Bill 294 passes, it will end federal funding to Planned Parenthood (House Bill 294, 2015). Planned Parenthood provides services to Medicaid recipients and other individuals with little to no income. The services provided by PP include providing free or low-cost contraceptives, cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment (Planned Parenthood, 2016). The populationRead MoreGovernment Funding Of Planned Parenthood Essay2104 Words   |  9 PagesAlexis McCarty Ms. Fehr Essay 3 4 April 2016 Government Funding of Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides healthcare and education to both men and women, having over 650 health centers that provide healthcare to countless communities around the world. Shockingly, 78% of those who use Planned Parenthoods services live at or below 150% of the federal poverty line, showing how important this organization is to low-income families (Topulos, Greene, Drazen). Their missionRead MoreThe Debate Over The Controversy Of Abortion1600 Words   |  7 PagesStates. While the emotional arguments regarding abortion can be compelling, but should have no bearing in the legal discussion, the individuals’ rights to life and liberty should be held above all. Thanks to the vast knowledge in the medical field, there is a point when it becomes irrefutable that two lives and their liberties must be considered and protected under the US Constitution. The abortion industry should be entirely privatized, acknowledge a child’s right to life, and be held on a civilRead MoreThe United States Of America s 2016 Presidential Election Essay2054 Words   |  9 Pagespresidential election, this is a thought that has cast an overcloud on the results of this presidential election.With the now anti-abortion president-elect Donald Trump, there are women, with some sense of equality, believing they run the risk of no longer having control of their body. Women compared to men, are then put at an inherent disadvantage when it comes to making decisions in regards to their own bodies. Not only does this disregard the steps made by the American society towards equality betweenRead MorePlanned Parenthood : Fund Or Defund Essay1818 Words   |  8 PagesPlanned Parenthood: Fund or Defund Just imagine a 17 year old girl sitting on her bathroom floor. She is staring at this plastic stick that is now going to determine her choices for the rest of her life. The little plus sign causes her stomach to tense up and her throat to choke up. Who will help her? Who will pay for the food her and her baby need? Who is the father? Will she finish high-school and go to college? How will her parents react? This young girl has a choice that will have majorRead MoreAbortion Is The Question Of When Life Begins1793 Words   |  8 Pagesthrough science as some people believe life begins at conception, fertilization of the egg, development of the fetus, or birth of a child. Determined separately by each state, the gestational limits set the number of weeks at which an abortion is no longer legal as the fetus would be viable outside of the womb. For most states in the US this is an average between twenty to twenty four weeks. Determined by the famous 1973 case of Roe vs. Wade, Jus tice Harry Blackmun concluded that the word â€Å"person† as Parenthood Should No Longer Be Funded By The Federal... Millions of taxpayer dollars are going to fund Planned Parenthood. With the introduction of Obamacare, Planned Parenthood has become a secondary cost to ensure women have health care throughout the United States. Along with the wasted money being spent on Planned Parenthood, other issues have been revealed about Planned Parenthood. The high cost of administration and the sale of fetus tissue and organs have become the latest in an agency out of control. Because of the wasteful administration of funds and ethical questions about disposing of fetuses, Planned Parenthood should no longer be funded by the Federal government. The tax paying citizens of the United States should know the cost and wasteful spending Planned Parenthood is conducted within the agency. Once the citizens become aware of the wasteful spending of millions of dollars, they will be able to take a stance against this agency’s policy. With the knowledge acquired, the citizens will be able to make a fully informed decision when asking their congressman to vote against funding of Planned Parenthood. American Birth Control League’s name was changed to Planned Parenthood, which enabled the organization to encompass a new image and justify funding from the government and wealthy donors (Perry 1). The agency has influenced the birth control of the poor and the upper class citizens of society. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, viewed poverty, illness, and strife caused by the fate of being in aShow MoreRelatedParenthood Should No Longer Be Funded By The Federal Government1817 Words   |  8 PagesPlanned Parenthood. Along with the Obamacare introduction, Planned Parenthood has become a secondary cost to make sure women have health care throughout the United States. Along with the wasted money being spent, Planned Parenthood has other issues. The high cost of administration and the sale of fetus tissue and organs have become the latest in an agency out of control. Because of the wasteful administration of funds and ethical questions about disposing of fetuses, Planned Parenthood should no longerRead MoreTexas : A Long History Of Conflict With The Federal Government1524 Words   |  7 Pagesconflict with the federal government over laws and policies, particularly when dealing with environmental, social, and educational issues. Texas has conservative right -wing views and has been in conflict more often with the federal government since President Obama has been in office. The dilemma generally arises from a clash in opposing political and social views. One major issue that has arisen in over the course of the last two years has been a battle over funding for Planned Parenthood. Although theRead MorePlanned Parenthood - Argumentative Essay1253 Words   |  6 PagesArgumentative Essay Planned Parenthood Millions of women across America will struggle to receive the medical attention they need if the federal government stops funding to Planned Parenthood. Every year 363 million dollars goes into the funding â€Å"pot† collectively at Planned Parenthood’s nationwide (Clark 5). This money is used predominantly by women; for six in ten women, Planned Parenthood acts as their main source of health care (Clark 4). Many individuals with low incomes depend on these clinicsRead MorePlanned Parenthood : Parenthood, Family Planning, And Reproductive Problems1020 Words   |  5 PagesAs you may have heard, Planned Parenthood is what the government officials are talking about recently. The Republicans want to take away the government funding for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is an organization that does scientific research and offers advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. Currently, the government funds the organization with the tax payerâ⠂¬â„¢s dollars. (Planned Parenthood at a Glance, 2014.) I am going to explain the history of the problem,Read MoreParenthood : The Target Population May Be Planned Parenthood Essay1638 Words   |  7 Pagespopulation may be Planned Parenthood (PP) as an entity, but the policy will affect the clients that depend on PP for services. If House Bill 294 passes, it will end federal funding to Planned Parenthood (House Bill 294, 2015). Planned Parenthood provides services to Medicaid recipients and other individuals with little to no income. The services provided by PP include providing free or low-cost contraceptives, cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment (Planned Parenthood, 2016). The populationRead MoreGovernment Funding Of Planned Parenthood Essay2104 Words   |  9 PagesAlexis McCarty Ms. Fehr Essay 3 4 April 2016 Government Funding of Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides healthcare and education to both men and women, having over 650 health centers that provide healthcare to countless communities around the world. Shockingly, 78% of those who use Planned Parenthoods services live at or below 150% of the federal poverty line, showing how important this organization is to low-income families (Topulos, Greene, Drazen). Their missionRead MoreThe Debate Over The Controversy Of Abortion1600 Words   |  7 PagesStates. While the emotional arguments regarding abortion can be compelling, but should have no bearing in the legal discussion, the individuals’ rights to life and liberty should be held above all. Thanks to the vast knowledge in the medical field, there is a point when it becomes irrefutable that two lives and their liberties must be considered and protected under the US Constitution. The abortion industry should be entirely privatized, acknowledge a child’s right to life, and be held on a civilRead MoreThe United States Of America s 2016 Presidential Election Essay2054 Words   |  9 Pagespresidential election, this is a thought that has cast an overcloud on the results of this presidential election.With the now anti-abortion president-elect Donald Trump, there are women, with some sense of equality, believing they run the risk of no longer having control of their body. Women compared to men, are then put at an inherent disadvantage when it comes to making decisions in regards to their own bodies. Not only does this disregard the steps made by the American society towards equality betweenRead MorePlanned Parenthood : Fund Or Defund Essay1818 Words   |  8 PagesPlanned Parenthood: Fund or Defund Just imagine a 17 year old girl sitting on her bathroom floor. She is staring at this plastic stick that is now going to determine her choices for the rest of her life. The little plus sign causes her stomach to tense up and her throat to choke up. Who will help her? Who will pay for the food her and her baby need? Who is the father? Will she finish high-school and go to college? How will her parents react? This young girl has a choice that will have majorRead MoreAbortion Is The Question Of When Life Begins1793 Words   |  8 Pagesthrough science as some people believe life begins at conception, fertilization of the egg, development of the fetus, or birth of a child. Determined separately by each state, the gestational limits set the number of weeks at which an abortion is no longer legal as the fetus would be viable outside of the womb. For most states in the US this is an average between twenty to twenty four weeks. Determined by the famous 1973 case of Roe vs. Wade, Jus tice Harry Blackmun concluded that the word â€Å"person† as

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