Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Teenage Drug And Alcohol Abuse - 2166 Words

Teenage drug and alcohol abuse can come from a number of different factors such as emotional disorders, stress, social events and other adolescent pressures. Adolescent is a period of time when teens have a lot of pressures to fit in, establish their own identities, it’s also a time of growth and development, and also the great desire to fit in which leads teens to give into peer pressure. Teens are going through an emotional change in themselves emotionally, physically and also hormonally during this stage in their life they tend to turn to drugs or alcohol to fit in. What have studies shown are the effect of teenage drug and alcohol abuse, what factors tend to lead teenagers to the abuse, what are the affects that drugs and alcohol have on teenagers and what types of treatments are out there . Drug and alcohol addiction can happen for different reasons, teens may try drugs because they are curious and some may do it to fit in with their friends and some may do it to enhanc e their athletic performance or it could be that they have stress, depression or some type of anxiety. Abuse doesn’t always happen right away some of the risk factors listed by www.helpguide.org are, â€Å"Family history of addiction, Abuse, neglect, or other traumatic experiences in childhood, mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, early use of drugs, and last Method and administration- smoking or injecting a drug may increase its additive potential.† Some of the factors that increaseShow MoreRelatedTeenage Drug And Alcohol Abuse978 Words   |  4 PagesTeenage drug and alcohol abuse is becoming a major problem in the United States. Abuse of illicit substances eventually leads to an addiction. Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, and it is contagious. 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